Discount Poo-Pourri for People with Medical Conditions

Recently we ran a promotion with Tidings Magazine for people who wear colostomy bags. Through talking with many customers, we found out the NHS used to provide a products to help with the smell associated with a colostomy bag, however of recent times, due to cut backs, they have ceased to provide this product.

Subsequently when speaking with friends who have IBS, we found out Poo-Pourri may also help them and save a degree of embarrassment. 

If you're ordering more than two bottles of Poo-Pourri we're working on the assumption it may be for medical reasons, so we're offering all visitors a 10% discount for two bottles or more, off their entire order. Simply enter the discount code 1AKZAH5FYHZE at the checkout to save 10% on all bottles of Poo-Pourri.
